Monday, May 25, 2009

Little old lady

It has been a while since I last wrote, I think I needed some down time after a really big couple of months running and then of course I have been sick - and no it wasn't the swine flu, just a simple cold. Over the last of couple of weeks I have continued my running training with long runs of 90-105 min. I was looking forward to Sunday's run because I was going to run with a friend that I had not seen in a while and also have a yummy breakfast afterwards. Unfortunately she was feeling sick and couldn't make it so no yummy breakfast and yeap that's right another solo run for me and lots of thinking time.

It was actually a really lovely day to be out running, quite balmy in fact so I was enjoying the run. In fact it was really great to see lots of other people out there enjoying the weather as well, cyclists, runners and walkers. On my run I also saw this little old lady, I have seen her before on the beach trails she is quite tiny, about 5 foot nothing and in her 80s and I admire her. This little lady may not be winning any land speed records in fact in a race between her the tortoise I suspect the tortoise would win. However, she is out there every weekend walking the beach trail with a lovely smile on her face. It reinforced to me that we all should be out there being active whatever our ability.

My mum once said to me 'Well I'm not like you Sharyn I can't run a marathon'. Well she's right we can't all run marathons , or perhaps that should be we all aren't crazy enough to want to run a marathon. But you know maybe you can't run a marathon but you can run 10km or if you can't run maybe you can ride your bike or you can be like that little old lady and walk along the beach for 30 minutes.

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