Luckily we were able to take a dip in the pool when we got back to cool off and then it was a short 4km stroll into Alice Springs in time for my radio interview on CAAMA - Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association. I met up with Celestine Rowe during 'Women's Business' and we had a chat about Alice 2 Antarctica and the work done at the Centre for Indigenous Vascular and Diabetes Research here in Alice Springs. It was my first face to face radio interview and I really enjoyed having a chat with Celestine.
Friday night was the big carbohydrate loading with the rest of the people running the Alice Springs Marathon. We found out that there will be 35 people running the Alice Springs marathon and about the same number running the half marathon. Interestingly there is almost even numbers of men and women running - quite unusual for the longer distance runs. The locals assured us that the cold change would come through on Saturday night - although Saturday itself would be 34C - it was hoped that Sunday would only reach the high 20s. Our fingers are all crossed for cool weather!
Fingers crossed! Rushing off to CR now to see if your race report is up yet :)