Monday, August 24, 2009

Recovery Run

On saturday morning I went for my first run since I completed the Alice Springs Marathon a week ago. Let's just say it wasn't pretty and I felt every step of the 10km run. But it was definitely nice to be back running and I see how much a part running is of my regular life. It was just a gentle run along the beach track from Mentone to Black Rock and back. It really is such a scenic trail and I enjoy looking out over the coast line. The head wind as I ran towards Black Rock was hard work but the tail wind on the way home was much appreciated.

I then spent the rest of the weekend finalising details for the Fire and Ice Soiree - the major fundraising event for Alice 2 Antarctica. I have got over $10,000 worth of goods and services - now I just need the people to come and buy. I must admit I like all of the goods on offer but my personal favorites are the mountain bike, the red leather office chair and the Helicopter joy flight!!!

1 comment:

  1. The helicopter ride sounds great fun! Best wishes for a successful night :)
